تحميل برنامج الكليك كامل
Kelk 2014 Full
برنامج لعمل الخطوط الحرة عربي

تم برمجة برنامج الكلك على تقسيم حروف الكلمة واعتبارها حروف منفصلة أي عند كتابة برامج الدرع
فكل حرف في الكلمة تم تصميمه وزخرفته منفرداً وحتى النقاط، ثم يتم تجميع
الكلمة لتشكل معنى واضح ومفهوم بشكل جذاب ليس لا مثيل حيث لا يمكن كتابته
من خلال برامج الفوتوشوب cc إلا من قبل المحترفين .
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how to write calligraphy fonts, islamic font, Arabic Fonts,calligraphy fonts, calligraphy Software, برنامج الكتابة بالخط العربي, فن الكتابة بالخط العربي, الخط العربي,
program specialist for writing calligraphy inherent in the very beauty
where there is no instance of that program, which contains several
features to make it worth to pursue an acquisition.
Kelk program on the division of letters the word and mind separate
letters any when writing shield programs programming Each letter in the
word has been designed and decorated individually and even the points,
then the word is grouped to form a clear meaning and concept
attractively not like no other where you can not write it through
programs photoshop cc only by professionals.
The Program Features:
- The program was designed by 35 renowned Arabic calligrapher The program is so where there is no disadvantage in terms of lines and aesthetic enjoyed by and influenced by sight.
- Kelkk program contains 100 different lines and form letters It is possible that at least that number according to each grammar and aesthetic of the line.
- It provides all Onaua calligraphy, such as the famous "third line, back line, the Persian calligraphy (nasta'liq), Alchuksth line, the editorial line."
It contains several other features I'll let you discover the fun by downloading the program
رابط تحميل البرنامج
Download Kelk 2014 Full